Classroom News

Welcome to the First Grade! I am looking forward to a super year! Here are just a few reminders for you to keep handy as a quick reference.

  • Lunch Money: We encourage you to pay by the week or month in cash or check. The cafeteria will keep a running balance for you on their computer. Please direct all questions concerning balances and/or free/reduced meal status to the cafeteria manager.
  • Snack: Your child may bring a healthy snack to eat each afternoon. He/she may also bring water or juice for a drink. Candy and carbonated drinks are not acceptable.
  • Sickness: If your child is sick in the morning, please make arrangements for him/her to stay home. We want your child to stay comfortable and the other students to stay healthy. When your child returns to school, please send in a note explaining the absence.
  • Conferences: We have scheduled parent/teacher conferences twice a year. However, if you ever need to meet with me, please do not hesitate to email or call me. I would love to meet with you anytime!
  • School Hours: We begin the school day at 8:40 and dismiss at 3:30 p.m. Students are not to be at school before 8:30 a.m. There is no supervision before this time. Car riders need to be picked up in the front of the school promptly at dismissal.
  • Checking In/Out: You must go to the office to sign your child in after 8:40 a.m. Drop off after this time is considered tardy. You must also sign your child out if you pick him/her up prior to 3:30 p.m. Please always go the office if you are dropping off or picking up your child during the school day, do not go to the classrooms. Your child will be paged and will be brought to the office.
  • Bus: If your child rides a bus, he/she will always be put on his/her normal bus unless I have a note from you telling otherwise. I CANNOT take your child’s word for it. Please understand that this is for your child’s safety. Please also give as much advance notice when a change will occur, last hour and last minute changes are discouraged and not guaranteed to happen.
  • Homework: Homework will be sent home on Fridays and will be due the following Friday. I send it home on Fridays for those parents who find it easier to complete homework on the weekend. However, do not feel obligated to work on it before the new week. I encourage family time on the weekends, so please do what is best for YOUR family!
  • Emergency Contact: We MUST always have a way to contact you and a second person in the event of an emergency. Please give us work, home, cell phone, and neighbor’s telephone numbers. Please update them as needed.
  • Birthdays: Feel free to send in store bought (ingredients listed) cupcakes on your child’s birthday. Send in enough for everybody, 20. Please notify us in advance, we cannot celebrate birthday parties but we can sing the “Happy Birthday” song to your child and eat cupcakes for afternoon snack. Due to severe allergies please do not bring anything in that may contain peanuts or tree nuts. Make sure to check with me first if you are not sure what to bring in.
  • Rules: To provide a safe and optimum learning environment, the children are expected to follow classroom and school rules to the best of their ability.

With an organized and well-behaved class, we can concentrate on a terrific year of learning! I look forward to working with you and your child. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 720-886-8735 and I will be happy to return your call. You may also email me at and I will try to respond within 24 hours. Thank you in advance for all your support throughout the year.

Ms. Dey